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Help and Support

Here you can find information and advice on resolving some of the more common support enquiries. For help and assistance on GENIE components, cables or circuits, please go through the Troubleshooting GENIE section.

Please note that our technical support is on-line only and limited to installation and software faults. Unfortunately we cannot help with the design, programming or troubleshooting of users' circuits and projects.

Note that some of the support documents are in Adobe PDF format. External Link Click for more details.
    Software installation

If you have problems installing our software, or receive an installation error code, please see the link below for assistance.

Learn how to resolve errors appearing during installation.

Network installation

If you are a network administrator or IT support technician and wish to learn more about how you can install our software on your school or college network, please click on the link below.
Installing our software on a school or college network.
    Troubleshooting GENIE

If you have problems connecting or downloading to a GENIE circuit, we recommend stepping through the GENIE Troubleshooting Guide for assistance.

Click here to read the GENIE Troubleshooting Guide.
Click here to download the GENIE Troubleshooting Wizard.
Some of the common problems covered by the Guide include:
  Ensuring the cable has been properly set-up on your computer (you can use the above GENIE Troubleshooting Wizard tool for this).
  Checking that the voltage of the battery is sufficient (but not too high) for the board.
  Trying a different GENIE circuit, component and/or cable to help determine where the problem lies.
  Visually inspecting the printed circuit board for bad solder joints or cases where soldering has incorrectly bridged pins together.
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Circuit Wizard 3.5
GENIE Programming Editor
GENIE Boards and Kits
GENIE Microcontrollers
GENIE USB Plug & Play Cable